Insecurity is Just a Feeling

We all experience this feeling of insecurity, it’s part of the human nature. Those people you perceive as confident like they have it all together also have their insecurity. You’d be surprised to know how insecure some of your role models are. But hey, they are all humans at the end of the day, weContinue reading “Insecurity is Just a Feeling”

What Self Love Actually Means to Me.

We’ve been thought to love ourselves but what does it really mean? In this post I want share my thought on this topic. In this day and age people mistake self love for narcissism. The reality is, the narcissistic person sense of self-love is fueled by others or people’s validation. Social media is an easyContinue reading “What Self Love Actually Means to Me.”

Look out for Yourself

Being an empath is something that comes with a lot of struggles. You always want to please others and make them feel good while you lose yourself. Because as an empath you feel what others feel. You carry the energy of others. It’s even worse when some people take advantage of that especially narcissistic people.Continue reading “Look out for Yourself”

Focus on Those Who Love You

Living in this world full of hatred from people can be so overwhelming that it’s very hard to focus on the love you get from others. Hatred is always loud enough to get your attention real quick, unlike love and that’s the sad truth. But Love is strong enough to conquer hatred if you canContinue reading “Focus on Those Who Love You”

Love them from a Distance

Setting myself apart from my loved ones made me reflect and realised how toxic our relationship used to be. You don’t always have to be around your loved ones to prove your love for them. Setting yourself apart makes them realise your value. If you’re an empath reading this, don’t worry about how they willContinue reading “Love them from a Distance”

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